Last Updated: 19/11/24 | Version 4.1.5
This guide is a comprehensive walkthrough of Footium, the multiplayer football management game for real money prizes.
If you want to learn how to get started with Footium (buying your Footium Club and Squad), head to our New User Guide.
This guide will change over time as the game develops. If you spot anything outdated within the guide, please raise this in the Footium Discord.
If you are looking for specific information, click the relevant header below which links to that section! You can also get speedy answers + advice from the community in the Footium Discord
Footium is a multiplayer football management game that is competitive, social and rewarding. As a Footium Club Owner + Manager, your job is to build out a squad of players, train and improve those players, compete in daily matches against other managers, and finish as high in your league as possible at the end of the season for a chance at promotion and real money prize rewards!